Development of a radar-based vibration test bench for testing the service life of machine parts

In order to test the service life of mechanical components, they are subjected to excitation in their mechanical resonance until they fail. By measuring the amplitude and vibration frequency during the test, failure of the component can be detected and the service life determined. The aim of the RadarVibro project is to develop a test stand with a radar-based vibrometer that measures and evaluates the vibration amplitude and frequency of the test part. Contactless measurement using radar technology not only makes it possible to monitor the component without feedback in different environmental conditions, such as in a climatic chamber, but also eliminates the need for complex instrumentation with non-reusable strain gauges as frequently used sensors.

2π-LABS GmbH, iNOEX GmbH, SBS Sondermaschinen GmbH, Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­tät Bo­chum (Institute of Integrated Systems)


Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK)

Niklas Muckermann

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